Vendor Alley
During the Head of the Hooch® regatta weekend, we expect over 6,200 rowers and over 20,000 spectators to attend. There is a merchandise vendor mall located on Chestnut Street, which is the main street from downtown Chattanooga onto the venue. There is a rowing equipment vendor mall located along Riverfront Parkway near the trailer parking.
The Head of the Hooch regatta attracts athletes, coaches, spectators, and neighbors for two days of healthy competition and fun. We welcome a variety of vendors including food and beverage, merchandise, and rowing equipment. All food and beverage vendors are coordinated through the Chattanooga Market. Our vendors are an integral part of sharing our southern hospitality with athletes, spectators, and the local community.
Vendors may sign up via our website to request a tent and amenities. All vendors agree to the Head of the Hooch regatta Vendor Terms and Conditions and must abide by site access policies and procedures.
Download the full terms and conditions for vendors here.
2023 Vendor Mall
Burnham Slings
* Concept2
* Connect-a-Dock
Croker USA
Echelon Fitness
* Hudson Boat Works
JL Racing
Live2row Studios
N&D Sports (RegattaWear.com)
Resolute/Kanghua Boats
Sports Graphics
* The Rowing Repair Center
* WinTech/King Racing
* OarBoard
Rowing Parts Supply
Para Rowing
* RegattaPrint
Strokeside Design
USRowing Market Place
Rubini Jewelers
UTC Rowing/Scenic Club Rowing
* Indicates sponsorship
Southbay Rowing/Lacrosse
* Tennessee Valley Authority
* Vespoli
How to Become a Vendor
The merchandise vendor mall is for rowing-related merchandise vendors only. The rowing equipment vendor area is for rowing equipment vendors only. If you have a question, please contact the Vendor Coordinator: vendors@headofthehooch.org.