How to Watch the Race
The first boats start on Saturday morning at 8:50 am (See race schedule). An hour before the races start, boats begin launching from the docks and row to the starting line. The regatta is a head race – competitors row a 4,500-meter (2.8 miles) course on the Tennessee River ending at Ross’s Landing Park. The results are based on time. Boats cross the start line in each race about 15 seconds apart. You will be able to see all the participating boats on this website prior to the regatta.
Where to Watch the Races
There are a few places along the Tennessee River where you can watch the races. The course map shows where the races start and finish. The best place to view the finish line is from the grandstands in Ross’s Landing Park. You can enjoy the crew’s tents, the Chattanooga Market and the crowds supporting the crews on and off the water.
Head of the Hooch will also have a live stream.
Walnut Street Bridge
A unique way to watch the races is from the Walnut Street Bridge, one of the longest pedestrian bridges in the world. From the bridge, you look down on the river and can see the crews up close, gliding under the bridge. A perfect location to take photographs of the rowers! From there, the boats are only about 350m from the finish line…so cheering is a must!
North Shore: Coolidge Park
Another place to watch the races is from Coolidge Park on the North Shore where you can see the boats on their way to the start. You can also watch the finish line from a gorgeous, quieter location with easy access; so bring a chair and settle in for great viewing.
Bike or Hike Along the River: Chattanooga Riverwalk
For those of you interested in a short hike or who have a bicycle, or are interested in renting a bicycle, this is another great way to follow the races from the shore along the Riverwalk (bike path). Take a break and find just the right spot to hang out and watch the races.
Learn more about the Riverwalk at A Guide to Chattanooga's Riverwalk or renting a bike on bikechattanooga.com.
Please note there is a 60-minute limit to any excursion before overage fees apply.

The History of Rowing
Did you know that the sport of rowing is over 150 years old? It is the oldest collegiate sport in the USA! It originated with Yale and Harvard competing with each other in 1852. See the video about intercollegiate races between Yale and Harvard.
Rowing Terminology and General Information
There are two types of boats (shells) for the two types of rowing – sweep rowing and sculling. In sweep rowing, each rower has one oar about 12.5 feet long. In sculling, a rower uses two oars each about 9.5 feet long. Rowing has its own terminology and you can find the most common rowing terms explained by USRowing. A more complete, detailed rowing glossary you can find here on Wikipedia. See below some more inspiring rowing videos: