Para & Para Inclusive
Updated 8/25/24
Para-rowing races will be held on the full 4500m regatta course. There will be five 2x races and one 4+ race per the schedule below. The Inclusive events are open to athletes that have been classified in the PR-3, PR-2, or PR-1 sport classes. PR-3 includes expanded sport classes in addition to those included in the Rules of Rowing. The sport class requirement pertains only to the Rower who has been classified.
The local organizing committee has established the following rules for classification at the Head of the Hooch. The inclusive category is open to crews composed of a mixture of classified rowers and able-bodied rowers. The crew must contain an equal number of classified and able-bodied rowers. The Head of the Hooch is a Para-Rowing classification opportunity (SEE BELOW).
The Inclusive events are open to athletes that have been classified in the PR-3, PR-2, or PR-1 sport classes included in the Rules of Rowing and expanded classifications listed below. Rowers may compete in a more functional sport class than their assigned sport class but not in a less functional sport class. For example, a rower classified as PR2 may compete in PR3 events but may not compete in PR1 Events.
A rower may compete in a Para Rowing event if his or her disability meets the criteria set out in the Para-Rowing Classification.
In Inclusive events, the sport class requirement pertains only to the rower who has been classified.
At all times when on the water during practice, warm up, cool down, and competition from the opening day of the Course until completion of the final Race of their competition, all Rowers who row in Para-Rowing Races must row with the prescribed equipment which must be used according to the boat and sport class. Equipment in this context refers to strapping and pontoons.
The Head of the Hooch is a Para-rowing classification event. Classification will be held on Friday, November 1st, 2024, by appointment and is open to athletes that have submitted required documentation 30 days prior to the regatta (Tuesday, October 1, 2024) to classification@usrowing.org. The Hooch requires all para-rowers to be classified prior to the race. Athletes encountering issues receiving required documentation from medical professionals should notify the Para-Rowing Coordinator.
The sport classes for Adaptive Rowing are the following:
a) PR3-PI (Physical Impairment): allocated to Rowers with a verifiable and permanent impairment who have functional use of their legs, trunk, and arms for rowing, and who can utilize the sliding seat to propel the boat.
(1) Additional subclasses are included as part of the PR3 (PI) category to include:
o PR3(GD) - Genetic Dwarfism- As defined by IDSF (International Dwarf Sports Federation).
o PR3(DS) - Down Syndrome: allocated to Rowers meeting the eligibility/classification requirements set by Virtus (formerly INAS), or (ii-2) and managed domestically by Athletes Without Limits; who has a formal diagnosis of Trisomy 21 Down syndrome, and; a statement that the rower is clear of symptomatic Atlantoaxial Instability (ASSI).
o PR3(AK) - Single Leg, Above the Knee Amputee) Allocated to rowers who have and above knee amputation of one limb.
o PR3(SA) - (Single Arm) This sport class is for PR3 rowers who are only able to row with a single arm connection to the handle. These impairments may be similar to the PR3(PI) sport class, but the rower may only have one arm connected to the handle. They are not allowed to use their affected arm or hand in any way when rowing on water or on the ergometer.
b) PR3-VI Visual Impairment: allocated to Rowers with a verifiable and permanent visual impairment. Three subclasses are used in classification. Restrictions may be in place for Events on the number of Competitors in a Crew with a specific subclass classification.
(1) PR3-B1, PR3-B2, PR3-B3 (formerly LTA-B1, LTA-B2, LTA-B3): allocated to Rowers based on their visual acuity to the standards set by the IBSA.
c) PR3(II) - Intellectual Impairment: allocated to Rowers meeting the eligibility/classification requirements set by Virtus (formerly INAS), or (ii-1) and managed domestically by Athletes Without Limits, which include- An IQ of 75 or lower, significant limitations in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills, and impairment diagnosed before age 18.
d) PR2: allocated to Rowers with a verifiable and permanent impairment who have functional use of the trunk and who are unable to use the sliding seat to propel the boat due to significantly weakened function or mobility of the lower limbs.
e) PR1: allocated to Rowers with a verifiable and permanent impairment who have minimal or no trunk function. A Rower in the PR1 sport class is able to apply force predominantly using the arms and/or shoulders. These Competitors will also likely have poor sitting balance.
f) NE (Not Eligible to Compete): allocated to Rowers who do not meet the minimum disability required to be eligible to compete in Adaptive Events.
g) Rowers may compete in a more functional sport class than their assigned sport class but not in a less functional sport class. For example, a Rower classified as PR2 may compete in PR3 Events,but may not compete in PR1 Events.
h) PR3-PI, PR3-B1, PR3-B2, PR3-B3, PR2, and PR1 are current Para Rowing sport classes. The Head of the Hooch is an inclusive regatta open to athletes of all abilities.
i) PR3-VET: Open to Veterans of all abilities. (State issued ID with Veteran designation, membership is a US Rowing Freedom Rows Program, or Veteran ID Card (VIC) required)
j) Inclusion: Inclusion is defined as at least 50% of the crew has a classifiable impairment. The Inclusive events are open to athletes that have been classified in the PR-3, PR-2, or PR-1 sport classes. The sport class requirement pertains only to the Rower who has been classified.
k) Mixed: A Mixed Crew is defined as having at least 50% of each gender., excluding the coxswain.
a) Based on initial entry information and confirmation of classification by the Hooch Pararowing Coordinator, athletes will be placed in the appropriate event.
b) Based on entry and classification information, subcategories will be created within the Pararowing events so that athletes with similar classifications compete in the same event. For example:
(1) PR3-PD and PR3-VI will compete against one another in the same category.
(2) PR3-VET rowers will compete against one another in the same category. All Freedom Rows members are encouraged to enter this event.
(3) PR3-II athletes will be grouped together in the same category.
c) In the event an athlete has more than one classification, a panel made up of the athlete, coach, and Hooch Pararowing coordinator, and US Rowing Representative will evaluate the entry and agree on the best event and category for this entry.
Completed medical documentation must be sent to classification@usrowing.org (NOTE: Be sure to include “Submitting for the Head of the Hooch” with your paperwork.)
Classification Event by appointment provided to athletes that have completed the required paperwork and submitted it to US Rowing (SEE BELOW)
2:00 PM - Para Coaches & Coxswains Meeting
2:30 PM - Shell relocation. Crews that want to launch from the Girls Preparatory School on race day may row shells up to that location at the designated time. Volunteers will be available to assist and row if necessary.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2024 - Race Day
Para Women’s PR3 Inclusive 2x
A. Composition: This event is for same gender crews made up of a PR3 classified athlete and a rowing partner.
B. Classification: Para-Rowing classification is required for this event.
Para Men’s PR3 Inclusive 2x
A. Composition: This event is for same gender crews made up of a PR3 classified athlete and a rowing partner.
B. Classification: Para-Rowing classification is required for this event.
Para Mixed PR3 Inclusive 2x
A. Composition: This event is for mixed gender crews made up of a PR3 classified athlete and a rowing partner.
B. Classification: Para-rowing classification is required for this event.
Para Mixed PR3 2x
A. Composition: This event is for mixed gender crews made up of PR3 classified athletes.
B. Classification: US Rowing OR World Rowing para-rowing classifications are required for this event.
Para Mixed PR2 Inclusive 2x
A. Composition: This event is for mixed gender crews made up of a PR2 classified athlete and an able-bodied rowing partner.
B. Classification: US Rowing OR World Rowing para-rowing classification is required for this event.
Para Mixed PR3 Inclusive 4+
A. Composition: This event is for mixed gender crews made up of two PR3 classified athletes and two able-bodied rowing partners.
B. Classification: para-rowing classifications are required for this event.
Need a rowing partner? Able Bodied Rowing Partners are available for single athletes. Contact the para-rowing coordinator to be paired with a rowing partner: pararowing@headofthehooch.org.
CLASSIFICATION PROCEDURE (refer to US Rowing for additional resources)
FISA Medical Diagnostics Form completed and signed by the athlete's medical doctor
Required medical diagnostic documents, pictures, or x-rays verifying the impairment assembled
Scan and email the FISA Medical Diagnostics Form and Required Medical Documents with the heading “FOR HEAD OF THE HOOCH” to Classification@USRowing.org.
Print the U.S. Athlete Classification Consent Form for Physical Impairment. The athlete/Representative is to review, complete the sections noted, sign and bring this packet to the classification session. Note- The Rowing Federation for U.S. Athletes listed at the top of each page should be listed as "U.S.A.".
Paperwork will be reviewed by the U.S. Chief Classifier. Once approved, the athlete will be contacted to schedule an appointment for classification. Classifications will be held on Friday, November 1, 2024.
Time standard – Para-Rowing event competitors should be able to complete the 4,500 meter course in 30 minutes or less.
Strapping– Guidelines for strapping are set by USRowing and can be found, here.
Equipment – Minimum equipment requirements are listed on the FISA Para-Rowing landing page, here. Rules of Racing – All para-rowers are expected to follow the Head of the Hooch Rules of Racing.
There are two options for para-athletes to launch.
Option 1: Standard Launch – Ross’ Landing – MAP
Para-athletes will launch from the venue launch docks at Ross’ Landing. There will be a staging area near the launch dock (next to the Control Commission tent). Upon completion of the race, para-athletes will recover from the venue recovery docks at Ross’ Landing. Option 2: Upriver Launch – Girls Preparatory School – MAP
Option 2: Para-Rowing Launch –Girls Preparatory School-McCallie Rowing Center Dock
Para- athletes can launch from the Girls Preparatory School (GPS) – McCallie Rowing Center dock about 2000 m upriver from the venue launch docks. Teams may row shells up to GPS on Saturday Afternoon. Volunteers will be available to row equipment from the venue launch docks at Ross’ Landing to the GPS dock OR crews may stage their equipment at the GPS dock. Volunteers or athletes may row para-rowing equipment back to the GPS dock after completing a race.
The Head of the Hooch WILL NOT be providing boat tents, slings, or a trailer at the GPS dock and teams will need to bring their own equipment for staging in the GPS area. Please note, also, that bringing a trailer back into the venue following completion of the race will not be permitted.
Medals will be awarded to first, second and third place finishers in each event. If there are only three entries in a race, only Gold and Silver will be awarded, and if there are only two entries in a race, only Gold will be awarded.
The Para-Rowing Program is one of Chattanooga Rowing’s charitable endeavors. It is intended to provide members of the community who, because of physical, visual, or cognitive challenges, might not otherwise experience our sport. As much as the program benefits those with special needs, we are a means for volunteers and other organizations to accomplish their goals of serving this most deserving group of athletes.
Chattanooga Rowing partners with the Therapeutic Recreation department of the Chattanooga Parks and Recreation Department to identify interested participants.
A unique feature of the program is teaching caregivers to row with their athlete whenever possible. This allows them not only to enjoy the sport but also to be more than a bystander. For more information contact Chattanooga Rowing through our website: chattanoogarowing.org .
Following the Atlanta 1996 Paralympic Games, Atlanta Rowing Club began outreach to people with disabilities. Led by Dick Alcock, disabled rowing started in Atlanta in the 1990s. Following its inclusion in the 2008 Paralympic Games, interest grew and the program was rekindled. The program was revived in 2012 and by 2016, the program expanded thanks to a grant from the C. H. Neilsen Foundation. In 2017, ARC Para-rowing formed a community partnership with BlazeSports America and expanded its programing to juniors and Veterans.
In 2018, ARC became an affiliate of the US Rowing Freedom Rows Program serving service-disabled veterans through funding from the Adaptive Sports and Therapeutic Arts – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Athletes with Intellectual disabilities joined in the summer of 2018.
The Atlanta Rowing Club Para-rowing Program has become a regional advocate for inclusion of disabled athletes in regional and national competitions including the Atlanta Erg Sprints, Clemson Sprints, Dogwood Masters, Chattahoochee Sprints, US Rowing SE Regionals, US Rowing Masters Nationals, and other regattas.