Sign Up for Hooch 2025 will open in Oct (TBD).
Please consider being part of the Volunteer Team!
Volunteer Opportunities
With entry numbers expanding, and a wait list growing, it is an honor to race in The Hooch and compete with the “best of the best” in the nation. The overall atmosphere at the event is upbeat and enthusiastic.
Of course, none of this is possible without superb volunteer support. Volunteering for The Hooch is an incredibly rewarding experience. Please consider donating your time and energy to ensure success for this multi-faceted event. This is a great way to participate and be a part of the team for an epic 2025 Head of the Hooch. Contact us at volunteer@headofthehooch.org with any questions. NOTE: Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, or 16/17 years old with parental permission.
Volunteering before and after the Regatta (Thursday and Sunday afternoon)
For people who are able to volunteer before and after the regatta, there are opportunities on Thursday and Sunday afternoon to support the preparation and wrap-up of the course, the venue, and much more.
Volunteering during Regatta Weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
For people who have time in between their races, or for those who want to be part of the ‘hustle and bustle’ of the regatta, the ramp-up on Friday, as well as the busy pace of Saturday and Sunday are perfect to pull up the sleeves.
Consider being a LAUNCH DRIVER!
We need over 130+ launch drivers for the Hooch in order to provide seats for referees and other officials. If you’re familiar with boating, please consider applying for one of these jobs. It is a great way to experience the Hooch too – out on the water with very knowledgeable people! PLEASE watch this video for more information: Launch Driving Basics
Sign Up for Hooch 2025 will open in Oct (TBD).
Please consider being part of the Volunteer Team!
Sign Up Instructions
Important - Please Read
Volunteer Sign Up is "powered" by SignUpGenius
It is helpful (but not required!) to have an active SignUpGenius Account ==> https://www.signupgenius.com/
Please be prepared to provide an emergency contact with cell# as part of your sign up.
You will get a confirmation email (if you do not, check your spam folder)
For Hooch support - contact volunteer@headofthehooch.org
For SignUpGenius support - contact support@signupgenius.com